Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is actually wrong, and not just silly wrong

SO I was bumming around the internet, avoiding working, (yes! I am working, for pay and once, for a facial) and I found this photo of the Sedan Crater. I have a rule that all the photography I put on the blog is mine, but this isn't. Since I haven't been to the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.

This is wrong. Making explosives that make craters you can see from outer space AND that are radioactive is immoral. Why would anyone want to do this? What moral compass do they have? Reading the articles that came out on the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, I was amazed that anyone would want to continue to build new nuclear power plants. A week later the L.A. Times had an article about how nuclear waste site designers have to figure out warning signs that will last 100,000 years and be legible in languages that haven't even been invented yet.

Think about that. Warning signs for the ages in languages we haven't imagined yet.

Meanwhile the bobos in washington have continued to fuck up the world, squandering all good will towards the U.S. by invading a country that didn't do anything and now they don't have enough manpower or friends to stop nuclear proliferation, which, I hasten to mention, will actually increase the probability of dead people coming your way.

I originally wrote "Bonobos in Washington" but those monkeys would be doing a better job than the ID10ts currently there.

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