Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Signs: Tower

This is the original Tower of Tower records. Now that you've seen it, you don't have to make a pilgrimage to Sacramento to see the lowly beginnings of a multinational conglomerate. Several years ago, I was forced to go to Vermont and so, as long as I was there, a pilgrimage must be made to ice cream Valhalla - Ben and Jerry Land. This was before they were bought out by some multinational conglomerate that produces toilet paper and genetically engineered soy beans. There were cows. They were on hills. So imagine green rolling hills artistically speckled with black and white cows. Very pretty. Very soothing. Very, very I've had too much THC so give me some butterfat with my sugar. This is what America is all about, two entrepreneurial pot heads making butterfat sugar for other pot heads, making an entire empire of cold cream cash, and then getting bought out by a multinational conglomerate that opposes all you value.

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