Sunday, July 16, 2006

Foreign Policy

An American Foreign Policy That Both Realists and Idealists should Fall In Love With
The New York Times today continues to prove that it has a DAMN GOOD Op-Ed page. And considering the hopelessness of this week's news; the Mumbai bombings, the continuing descent into tribal civil war in Iraq, the beginning of the Hesbollah\Israel war, Geo. W. receiving a barrel of herring - it was relieving to read that there could be a game plan for trying to stop all this violence and to try and make a world that had more economic, social, political and ecological justice for all of it's inhabitants.

This is a picture of a male date palm flower. The female date palms create dates that are inedible by hound dogs while maintaining an irresistible allure to hound dogs. So it adds a sort of karma-esque aspect to life in Palm Tree Lined L.A., what goes around (and down) comes back to you one way or the other.

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