Saturday, July 29, 2006

Battery! Schmattery!

So I turned on the computer the other day and got a warning that said "Your battery is low, press F1 to continue and F2 to configure."
So I went to the Dell Website, thinking to go to their SUPPORT page and SEARCH for information about this low code OS ERROR on their machine. They didn't have one.

Think about this. A computer company doesn't have a place on their web site that consumers can look up support information. Is this dumb or what? You can't search for HELP at Dell. There is no little link on their main page, or poking around that sends you to a support area. I later find out that's because they have a separate site with a separate url. So if you just go to you can't get HELP.

So I rooted around in the closet and found the Owner's Manual. There were two battery entries in the book, one of which says that you need to be careful when you replace the battery because it could EXPLODE.

So I googled Dell Battery Explode and found out that there is a lovely photograph of a Laptop Exploding into Flames

So for now I am just keeping the computer on.

This is a photograph of a lovely, rustic mountain art cabin.

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