Friday, January 25, 2008

360 Days till the Bush Travesty is Over!!!!!!!!

Not that I'm counting!

On the other side of travesty, we are doing a kitchen re-model. So don't say I'm not doing my part for the economy.

Here is a photo of going into the little tiny square opening into the kitchen.

And check out this lovely vintage plastic floor!

Here we look West into the silly unused and unusable nook space. I didn't take a photo of the appliances, they are too sad. My oven can't heat up to any temperature, and the 1974 fridge sucks enough energy off the grid to power a small village in other parts of the world. I got a pamphlet from the electric commpany about how much money you could save if you upgraded the fridge and they had a little chart with the years of your fridge and how much money it takes to run - and it stopped in the 80's. The seventies wasn't even on the chart!

The only good thing about the kitchen is that everything is so old all the VOCs have evaporated. So we shall see what we can do to improve the entire gestalt of the kitchen.

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