Monday, October 30, 2006

Talking Turkey

This morning, as I made myself bacon and eggs for breakfast, I thought "What did I do in my life before I discovered turkey bacon??????????"

Turkey bacon, good turkey bacon, it's only s few calories per stick, it has a nice salty & smokey flavor, it's great on Turkey Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches. BLTs didn't exist in my life prior to turkey bacon. Oh yeah, and eating any form of meat. BLTs wouldn't have been part of my life prior to starting to eat poultry and fish.

I love turkey bacon, and life is just great now that I have discovered turkey bacon. Some turkey bacon is pretty much like cardboard and I don't like that turkey bacon, but Wellshire Farms turkey bacon (I'll give them a plug) is pretty damn good.

You might be thinking, wow, turkey bacon. Or you might be thinking, what the fuck is up with Scott? She's usually a tad more pithy and angry than this. I don't stumble onto her blog to read about turkey friggin' bacon.

And you're right. There's an election coming up, over 100 soldiers have died in Iraq this month, 43 people exploded in a car bomb in Baghdad today, global warming is happening and I don't have air conditioning in my apartment. There's a lot going on. But I can't get into it. I'm happy to just walk my dogs, go to work, eat turkey bacon and shop. I could be doing something other than that. But it's just so hard to get up every morning and be angry. It's so hard to think globally and act locally. It's so hard to read the fucking new york times and Frank Rich's articles which totally rocked this week and have a take away. What's my take away? That the U.S. is being run by a ruthless bunch of motherfuckers who don't know what they're doing and who are too arrogant to take the advice of experts. Give me my bacon, man. I can't think about that. It's easier to think about turkey bacon.

Because how do you ask the last man to die in a war that was a stupid idea to begin with?

And our government has asked that question a hundred times this month.

And Halliburton has posted record second quarter profits this month.

Give .... ME ...... TURKEY ...... BACON


Anonymous said...

Don't you fear that turkey bacon will only lead to harder meats? Or perhaps becoming a libertarian and finally "NeoCon"?
Is that really where you want to go? It doesn't matter anyway eat all the turkey you want and forget the world. "I hate life

Anonymous said...

Turkey bacon is not a gateway meat. It is a healing natural nutrient prescribed by spin doctors to combat the nausea induced by watching Republicans say "Twirlies!" while they rotate their hands and watch the truth twist around in circles.