Thursday, September 14, 2006

Stale Saying Commonplace Chestnut

I went to the bookstore and forgot to get a book of Sudoku puzzles. But I did wander through the Sci-Fi section. My cousin had recommended a few books when I had last seen A., at the Sci-Fi World Con. I had gone to a store before and had not seen any of the one's she had recommended. So, in an effort to be gone from the house while the cleaner was there, I decamped to the mall and stalked around a chain bookstore. There are some pretty racy book covers in the old Sci-Fi world. A lot of breast plates and naked backs with tattoos. Anyway, I picked up a couple books. Science Fiction books with racy covers. Then I was feeling guilty that I was not at home working, so I walked over to the tech section and started to look at the books there. I thumbed through a few java books, thinking, "But I don't want to learn another language!" Can you hear me stomp my little foot? But then I saw a book about PHP and MySQL and since I'm futzing around with those as well I decided to buy that book. So I wandered around the chain bookstore and found the counter where you could buy the books. There were actually a lot of counters where you could buy books on every level of the store, they were just unmanned as it were so you had to wander until you found a populated counter. Anyway there I was buying some Sci-Fi and Computer Programming books and I thought;

"Am I a cliche?"


mickey said...

This reminds me of a story I heard of a group of four-no friends of the renaissance faire they-who dressed in spacemen uniforms and went to the faire with the expressed desire to shit disturb. They proffered gifts of lighters, matches and modern conveniences, saying that they were time travelers from the future on a mission to help the peoples of the renaissance. The fair attendees did not appreciate the humor and set upon the time travelers, chasing them from the event.

Anonymous said...

If you bought Larry Niven and Ursula LeGuin, no.